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Base de données Historique Bibliographie Herbiers
Registre International Nomenclature Associations Botanique
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  •  G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  •  G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  •  G. x oxonianum
  • G. yesoense Savat.var.nipponicum Nakai
  • G. yesoense forma ochroleucum Okuyama
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. wlassovianum
  • G. wallichianum
  • G. x magnificum
  • G. x riversleaianum
  • G. nodosum
  • G. cinereum
  • G. collinum coll. Tien Shan
  • G. phaeum
  • G. ibericum
  • G. phaeum
  • G. sylvaticum
  • G. collinum coll. Tien Shan 02
  • Nouveau morceau de diaporama
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sessiliflorum (Cavanilles)

G. sessiliflorum (D. Evrard).jpg

G. sessiliflorum (J.A. Lautaret Fr).jpg

G. sessiliflorum (Kurt Stueber's Online Library).jpg

G. sessiliflorum nigrum (Kurt Stueber's Online Library).jpg

G. sessiliflorum novaezelandiae 'Nigricans' (D. Evrard).jpg

G. sessiliflorum subsp novaezelandiae 'Nigricans' D. Evrard).jpg

G. sessiliflorum subsp novaezelandiae 'Nigricans' (Kurt Stueber's Online Library).jpg

G. sessiliflorum subsp novaezelandiae 'Porter's Pass' 01 (D. Evrard).jpg

G. sessiliflorum subsp novaezelandiae 'Porter's Pass'.jpg

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili janvier 2013_Thermas de Plomo 01.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili _huerquehue janvier 2012.JPG

G. sessiliflorum_Termas de Chillan 01 2011 _01.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili janvier 2013_Thermas de Plomo 02.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili janvier 2013_Thermas de Plomo 03.jpg

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili janvier 2013_Thermas de Plomo 04.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili janvier 2013_Thermas de Plomo 05.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili_Termas de Chillan 01 2011 _01 2.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili_Termas de Chillan 01 2011 _02 2.JPG

G. sessiliflorum subsp sessiliflorum coll. D.Evrard Chili_Termas de Chillan 01 2011 _03 2.JPG

G. sessiliflorum_Termas de Chillan 01 2011 _02.JPG

G. sessiliflorum_Termas de Chillan 01 2011 _03.JPG

G. sessiliflorum_huerquehue janvier 2011.JPG

G. traverssi x rubifolium x sessiliflorum (D. Evrard).jpg
Protologue / première publication :Monadelphiae Classis Dissertationes Decem 4: 198, pl. 77. 1787.
Groupe :sessiliflorum
Sous genre :Geranium L.
Section :Geranium L.
Existence dans la collection :x
Distribution géographique :

Nouvelle Zélande.
Argentine: Sud Nord-Ouest.
Nord et centre Chili.

Synonyme :

Geranium caespitosum Walp.
Geranium razuhillcaense R. Knuth
Geranium sessiliflorum var. albatum J.F. Macbre
Geranium sessiliflorum var. microphyllum Kuntze
Geranium sessiliflorum var. lanatum R. Knuth
Geranium pflanzii R. Knuth
Geranium sessiliflorum var. compactum R. Knuth
Geranium tucumanum R. Knuth
Geranium malpasense R. Knuth
Geranium staffordianum R. Knuth



Herbier : spécimen :

Type: Chili: Détroit de Magellan, Commerson s.n. (MA-475750)

Bibliographie personnelle :

G/F0012. Flora of New Zealand, vol.2 .Allan, H.H.Wellington,1961,233-236

G/A0046. Geraniums for the Rock Garden,Bacon Lionel. Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, vol 61, N 2, Pershore. juin 1993,171-190.

G/F0043: Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi, Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru, Mon. in Syst. Bot. from the Missouri Bot. Gd., (1993).

G/F0015: Foster, R. C., A catalogue of the ferns and flowering plants of Bolivia, Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, 184: 1-223, 1958.

G/F0034: Jorgensen, P. M. & C. Ulloa U., Seed plants of the high Andes of Ecuador---A checklist, AAU Reports, 34: 1-443, 1994.

G/F0016: Marticorena, C. & M. Quezada, Catalogo de la Flora Vascular de Chile, Gayana, Botanica, 42: 1-157, 1985.

G/F0057: Macbride J.F., Flora of Peru,. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 1949, 13, 3: 530.

Aedo Carlos, Navarro Carmen, Alarcon Maria Luisa: Taxonomic revision of geranium sections Andina and Chilensia (Geraniaceae), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 149, 1-68.

G/A00104: Richard Clifton, Geranium sessiliflorum, Geraniaceae group news 105, spring 2007.


Description horticole :

D. Evrard 1997: Plantes alpines ayant une distribution géographique très étendue: Australie-Nouvelle Zélande-Chili-Bolivie- Argentine. Il existe plusieurs sous-espèces qui ont toutes en commun de faire des rosettes de feuilles rondes allant du vert-gris au bronze presque noir, et des fleurs petites, 1cm, blanches à rose. Cette espèce est surtout intéressante pour les hybrides qui lui sont issus,  utilisation: soleil, rocaille.

3 subespèces sont reconnues en 1965 par Carolin: 
G. sessiliflorum ssp. sessiliforum: Amérique du sud.(Argentine, Chili, Bolivie: Andes)
G. sessiliflorum ssp. novae-zelandiae Carolin: Nouvelle Zélande
G. sessiliflorum ssp. brevicaule (J.D. Hooker) Carolin: S.E. Autralie et Tasmanie.

3 cultivars sont actuellement decrits: (Yeo 2001)
G. sessiliflorum 'Nigricans'
G. sessiliflorum 'Porter's Pass' 

G. sessiliflorum subsp novaezelandiae 'Coffee 'n Cream'


Alby Scriven, Australie, 2003; A well known species, particularly the chocolate coloured leaf form Nigricans. Found in Sth. America, New Zealand and Australia it is a tidy perennial with a very short main stem. Flowering stemst hold the flowers below the leaves which are round and slightly lobed.Flowers white to blush pink during summer.In cultivation, needs a gritty soil in a sunny location.

Description botanique :

In Carlos Aedo web site:

Herbs 8-34 cm tall. Rootstock 5.9-14.1 mm diam., without fusiform roots. Stem decumbent, with patent to retrorse, appressed, eglandular hairs 0.3-1.4 mm long. Basal leaves in a ± persistent rosette; lamina 1.12-4.38 x 1.3-4.4 cm, polygonal in outline, cordate, palmatifid (divided for 0.51-0.86 of its length), pilose, with appressed, eglandular hairs; segments 5-7, obtriangular, 1.9-5.2 mm at the base (ratio segment width at the base/segment length = (0.10-)0.17-0.23(-0.28)), 3-9-lobed in distal half (ratio second sinus length / middle-segment length = (0.17-)0.25-0.34(-0.43)); petioles to 14 cm long, with patent to retrorse, appressed, eglandular hairs 0.4-1.4 mm long; stipules 3.6-10.5 x 0.9-3 mm, with eglandular hairs on both surfaces and on the margin. Inflorescence with cymules (1-)2-flowered, solitary (cymules of the basal part of the stem usually 1-flowered, a part of them arise directly from the rootstock, and cymules of the upper part 2-flowered); peduncles (1.3-)2.8-4(-6.9) cm long, with patent to retrorse, appressed, eglandular hairs 0.5-1.2 mm long; bracteoles 3.1-7.2 x 0.6-1.8 mm, linear-lanceolate, with eglandular hairs on both surfaces and on the margin; pedicels 0.54-4.89 cm long, with patent to retrorse, appressed, eglandular hairs 0.5-1.2 mm long; pedicel and peduncle together usually overtopping the subtending leaf. Sepals 4.7-6(-6.5) x 1.9-3.4 mm, lanceolate (ratio wide / length = (0.33-)0.44-0.51(-0.62)), with mucro (0.2-)0.4-0.5(-1) mm long (ratio mucro length/sepal length = (0.03-)0.07-0.10(-0.16)), with scarious margins 0.2-0.3 mm wide, with erect-patent, eglandular hairs 0.4-1.9 mm long (usually the longest on the margin). Petals (3.9-)6.2-8(11.7) x 2-5.45 mm, entire, without claw, glabrous on both sides, ciliate on the basal margin, purplish. Filaments 2.2-4.3 mm long, whitish to yellowish, with eglandular hairs 0.2-0.5 mm long on the abaxial side and margin; anthers 0.4-1 x 0.4-0.8 mm, yellowish; pollen yellow. Nectaries glabrous. Gynoecium 2.9-5 mm long, pinkish. Fruit 15.3-22.2 mm long; mericarps 3-4 x 1.4-2.1 mm, smooth, with erect-patent, eglandular hairs 0.4-1.3 mm long, brownish; rostrum 10.4-16.5 mm long, without a narrowed apex, with erect-patent, eglandular hairs 0.2-0.7 mm long; stigmatic remains (1-)1.3-1.7(-2.1) mm long, with 5 hairy lobes. Seeds 2-2.6 x 1.2-1.8 mm, finely reticulate; hilum 1/6 as long as the perimeter.


NEW SOUTH WALES FLORA ONLINE: Compact perennial herb to 15 cm high, villous with long hairs and short appressed ones; taproot thick, much-branched. All leaves basal, crowded, palmatisect or palmatifid with lamina + circular to reniform in outline, 1--2 cm long, 1.5--3 cm wide, 5--7-lobed, lobes oblong-ovate with 3 secondary lobes towards apex, sparsely or densely appressed-hairy; petiole 2--10 cm long. Flowers solitary, borne on the short annual branches; peduncle and pedicel 0.5--3 cm long. Sepals 4--8 mm long. Petals 4--8 mm long, deep pink to white with translucent veins. Anthers yellow. Fruit 11--13 mm long; mericarps with stiff spreading hairs; seeds black to dark brown, obscurely reticulate. Flowering: chiefly summer. Distribution and occurrence: Grows in alpine herbfield, tussock grassland and alpine woodland at higher altitudes in the Kosciusko district.

Base de données - Historique - Bibliographie - Herbiers - Registre International - Nomenclature - Associations - Botanique - Newsletter
réalisation LALIA 2009